The Story of Bullhead Bob
Hayward, Wisconsin has been Lisa's family's home away from home since the 1940's. Lisa's grandparents, Julius and Emma Voelcker, along with Lisa's dad Robert (Bob) began vacationing here and eventually built a summer home on Little Spider Lake.
Lisa's grandfather used to love to visit Nelson Lake for the great walleye fishing. He would take young Bob ("Bobby" as they called him) along. Julius would spend the day catching walleye, crappie, large mouth bass, you name it! But poor Bob never had the same luck.
Bob would tell the story throughout his life that as a boy he could catch nothing but Bullhead! He spent the next 75 years referring to Nelson Lake as Bullhead Lake!
Bob passed away on May 28, 2020. Bullhead Bob's was established in his honor to keep the story alive. Rest assured Bob is having much better luck fishing in Heaven's tranquil waters and Nelson Lake, in our hearts, will always and forever be Bullhead Lake!
~ Tim and Lisa (Voelcker) Redmond